
About me

Dejny - My name is Dejny and I am known as the "crypto menace" in the trading world. I have a passion for both the gym and for trading crypto. I strive to improve myself in both areas, constantly pushing my limits to become the best version of myself. I believe that my dedication and hard work in both the gym and in crypto trading will help me achieve my goals and become a top performer in both fields.
- ChatGPT



Hearme is a social platform made for people to connect through music
Dejny - 2023

Dejny on ETH

Dejny on ETH is page made by Dejny on Web3 ethereum blockchain
Dejny - 2021


Web made for a company called JetSpireß
Dejny - 2024

Comming Soon

- 2024

Comming Soon

- 2024